The majority of the maps below were created from collaborations with faculty, students, and staff from Northwestern University, although a few were born out of my own interests.
I provide research consultations focused on spatial analysis, data management, and deliverables - usually in the form of static or dynamic maps. Focusing on geospatial fundamentals, I also lead GIS workshops using both proprietary and open-sourced applications.
cold war | collaborative project with northwestern university's history department illustrating the Berlin Wall in 1970
3G network | collaborative project with northwestern university's sociology department illustrating 3G network in Mexico over time
geopuzzle challenge 2021 | northwestern university hosts an annual geopuzzle challenge in support of geography awareness week. this visualization dipicts the range of times for each puzzle type for participants (n = 162)
berlin | collaborative project with northwestern university's history department depicting cold war era berlin and important transportation routes
euler sprial | mathematically beautiful, this visualization was created using python and inspired by conversations about projections
walk of pi | the first 10k digits of pi, guided by a directional compass. inspo shout out to nadieh bremer for the original visualization.
facial plastic surgeons pt. I | collaborative project with northwestern university's feinberg school of medicine
annual rainfall | annual rainfall by departamentos in guatemala visualized using zonal statistics
waterways | collaborative project for anthropology student's dissertation focused on waterways in ghana
3G network series | collaborative project with northwestern university's sociology department examining 3G networks in Mexico over 5-year increments
lightning | project collab with northwestern's school of business using apportion tools and creating graticules from coordinates
race | replicated bill rankin's chicago map on race using 2020 census block data
facial plastic surgeons pt. II | collaborative project with northwestern university's feinberg school of medicine